Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hey Y'all: The Introduction

Hey y'all,

I used to blog over at Jane Austen Prepster as an extension of my Tumblr however, as this academic year is coming to a close I reflected on my intention to use it as a space to write out more personal and extensive thoughts but it became an online scrapbook of my time as a senior at UNC but as I graduate this month I want to continue blogging with a more focused intention.
So here we are, the beginning of my life after college. Today, I finished up my last exam at college. That means pending my grades are at least Ds (we all know they should be higher than that) I will be graduating on Mother's Day with a B.A. in English Literature, minors in Art History, Women's Studies and an undeclared Medieval and Early Modern Studies minor. But after graduation who knows! It is an adventure that I am still trying to navigate and I expect many bumps, road blocks and fun times ahead.

Here is a bit more about me as we venture off into the "real world:"
-I am one of four kids and am really close to my little sister, KID and both of my parents.
-I have lived in three different states and in Europe( YAY!)
-I am an alumnae of Phi Beta Chi sorority.
-My parents are from opposite coasts but I consider myself southern since I have lived in the south for the majority of my life.
-I love organizing things and have a large collection of post-its for the millions of lists I make.
-I love to spend a night in watching romantic comedies, drink hot coco, sitting in my pajamas and bawling my eyes out.
-I love to travel and love that my friends can be found all over the country.
-I love the color pink but navy & carolina blue come in close behind.
-If you don't find me working I am reading, swimming, baking, cooking, crafting or having a random dance party!

I hope this blog is a great collection of my journey to finding myself outside of college, searching for a full time job, finding and decorating an apartment, and navigating life out side of Chapel Hill. If you are ready for this adventure press subscribe and let's get started. I hope you enjoy reading about my ride as much as I enjoy living it!

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Thanks for the sweet note!