Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Break...

Hey y'all,

I thought I wouldn't have to do this but I have been thinking a lot and I have not been dedicating a lot to this little space of mine on the internet. While I love all the friendships I have made through the blogging community over the years, my commitment to it has lacked. I have not felt inspired to post and I do not want to give y'all lackluster content. So I am going to say farewell for now. Maybe in the fall when my work has calmed down I will return to regular posting but for now as I enter into my third year postgrad I need to spend time with friends and family away from a screen. 

Best of luck to y'all and thanks for reading! I will try to keep reading blogs hear and there but no guarantees!


  1. Just getting back into the bloggy world and so sad to see you're taking a break from it! I definitely understand; you need (and deserve!) to just enjoy life! Have fun in the real world, and hopefully you'll be back to blogging someday :)

  2. Enjoy the Summer, I will miss your posts!


Thanks for the sweet note!