Hey y'all,
The past two weekends I have been super busy and that is typically the time that I spend organizing and figuring out my blog. So let's get started updating my past two weekends, beginning with last weekend.
So Friday, Sept 6th I took the day off since my best guy friend was flying in. He ended up getting a later flight so I slept in, hung out with my roomie, baked some chocolate chip cookies for the Pre-Recruitment event and then went out to lunch with eCs. We went to Carrboro Pizza Oven, and if you are familiar with UNC its the same as Franklin Pizza and Pasta so you know I had Penne in a Pink Basil sauce.
After a nice lunch I went off to the PBX house to help set up for recruitment that weekend/the following week which included making cute lamb door decs for the new members after bid day.
One of the sweet new member signs |
The rest of Friday was picking up Ty at the airport and we made perfect timing. I mean I entered the terminal as he was coming out so we met halfway. I haven't seen him in a year and a half and it was perfect. We immediately headed to B*Skis (it's a wrap place) and then had drinks at Topo (or Top of the Hill). We might have FaceTimed my Big for her birthday while at the bar. Then a quick walk around campus and a night cap at my place ended Friday.
Saturday meant pancakes before heading to Chapel Hill again for the UNC vs. Middle Tennessee State football game.
We left the game a little early since the security folks were not doing the best job policing and some international students found their way in front of us and were chatting about inappropriate actions with male cheerleaders in order to determine their sexual orientation and there was a small child right next to us. We got back to my place and I hurried up to get ready for the wedding of Ty's friends Paige and Hugh. The wedding attire was very confusing for me since their 5pm indoor wedding had a "casual semi-formal" note. I went with this dress (in teal) from Vestique with this necklace and some nude pumps (we totally were too busy having fun all weekend to take any photos).
Congrats guys! |
After the wedding we went to Rum Runners, a dueling piano bar with the wedding party and the guys might have gotten up on stage for Copperhead road.
We then grabbed milkshakes and hushpuppies at Cookout since Ty now lives in the North East and was missing the beauty of cookout and sweet tea. We stayed up until 3am chatting like old times and playing 20 questions as was our tradition whenever we went on midnight cookout runs back in college.
So we got up at 9am to attend Summit and then went to Buns for lunch with some old co-workers. It was a great day of relaxing around UNC and the pit and then we took a trip to South campus to visit our old stomping grounds. We ended our Chapel Hill adventures with Sweet Frog and then hung out at my place until it was time for his flight.
The week between was crazy filled with catching up on sleep from the weekend along with long nights of recruitment/crafting signs for the new members on bid day.
Sisterhood/House Tours |
My Fam on Pref night.
great-grandlittle, myself, grandlittle |
Friday. It was BID DAY! I am blessed to be one of the advisors this year for my alum chapter and we welcomed home 37 beautiful new members! The evening included some a capella, cupcakes, smores, and other festivities.
Reading their bids |
Running Home! |
All the new members have a hand on the tree. |
Saturday. With all of the fun of bid day past, Saturday meant sleeping in, catching up on DCC: Making the Team 8, Suits and ANTM. I spent the afternoon at the house for the Induction ceremony where we welcomed our new members as Associate Members. It was crazy to think that five year ago, I was in the same shoes and had no idea how PBX would shape and change my time at Carolina and my life.
With my glittle |
The rest of the night included hanging out with the roommate watching Easy A, grocery shopping and having a night relaxing night.
Sunday. I wish I could have made it to Church at the Ballpark to witness all of God's work but I was babysitting for a sweet family at a different church. After that I baked some cupcakes, cleaned my apartment, watched episodes of Scandal season two in time for the premiere in October and then it was time for Miss America. I had a small gathering of friends: co-workers and sorority sisters over to watch the event and found some ballots from pinterest to compliment the poster-board I had which we kept the official results/notes from the competition.
Now you might understand while I neglected this little piece of the internet for a while.
How was your weekend?