Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Summer Goals.

Hey y'all,

I am an obsessive list maker so I figured why not post my current goals as a reminder/accountability for my summer goals.

1. Read more. Every summer I spend more and more time reading for fun since I am not worried about reading on a deadline like I had to for the past four years as an English major. I went to one of the local libraries yesterday to look for a book my Mom wanted. Well, I didn't find hers but I found eight books for me. YAY for summer reading time. My goal is at least 20 books by the end of August.
Look at my finds. To see what I am reading on GoodReads click here.
2. Save money. This one will be difficult for me since I am a shopaholic but I need to save up for a down payment on a car since the one I currently drive I share with my baby sister and since I have now graduated she needs the car up at NCState in the fall. I am excited to eventually get my very own car, not so much about the monthly payment but it is another step of being a post-grad.

3. Find a Full Time job. I am blessed that my parents allowed me back in their home and I go back to my summer retail job on Sunday but I know that I don't want to stay in my hometown for very long. I have a long list of deadlines for resumes and cover letters to finish up before Sunday. I will of course keep searching so any good thoughts/prayers/karma for the job hunt will be appreciated!
4. Learn to love running. I hate to run but I know I should add it to my exercise regime since it is a great way to get healthy. Now without any major papers or deadlines I am going to focus on my health and getting fit not only for the summer but for life. The stress of college had a toll on my health but I am committing to add lots of fruits and veggies and cutting out all that food I would eat at night while I was studying.
5. This is the most important to me but I want to work on my relationship with God. I am a Christian girl and my relationship with God is very important to me and it is something that takes effort and I am focusing on a devotional daily, a journal and some other sources. Pinterest is another great way to remind myself of God's promises in the amount of verses posted. My sorority sisters are also great inspiration with their journeys. If you have any great inspirational book selections post them below!
Do you have any goals for the summer? What is your ultimate goal for this summer?

Peace and Blessings,


  1. My goals are to keep up with my summer courses & earn As in all three; I also have to register for, take, and pass my FTCE exams. My ultimate goal, though, is to lose weight. I hope to do so by dieting and starting a boot camp at the end of June.

    1. Those are some great goals! Good luck and I hope all goes well!

  2. My summer goals are to get through the two grad school classes I'm taking and to get everything ready for our little man to get here in the fall. I'm very excited for July-August when classes are done and baby isn't ready -- I plan on tackling my crazy long to-read list along with my to-do list. Enjoy all your books!

    1. Good luck on your grad school classes! I love reading your bump-updates. I hope all goes well when the little guy arrives!

  3. These are all great goals, and exactly the same ones I have! Great minds think alike :)

  4. I am totally with you about the running. I would rather do ANY other exercise than run, so you're in good company!

  5. I hate running also! It's so hard to just go out there and run! Good luck on the job search!


Thanks for the sweet note!