Thursday, May 24, 2012

Clearing Up Some Desk Space...

 Hey y'all,

One of my many things to do yesterday was to clean and work on cover letters for jobs. I was happy to say I did both. By starting my day with a to-do list I was so productive and felt like I had a goal (plus who doesn't love the joy of crossing things off as you go?). But before I got to my cover letters I needed to find a space to work. The desk in my room had been commandeered by my parent's "family" computer though both of them only use it to print things now that my Mom has her own laptop. But furthermore, my high school study space was no longer. So I took over the table randomly stored in my room for the current time period. After cleaning it off I am proud to say I created a clean usable space to work at over the summer while I complete cover letters and resumes. The clean space helped my productivity so much. Now on to tackle the rest of my room. Oh boy.
Yay, for work space!
I had to add the new frame I got for graduation as well as my post-it obsession.
Without my laptop.
My retail job doesn't require a lot of work at home so while I wouldn't mind a different space like those below, I am lucky to have a designated work space now so here's to hoping for some interviews and job possibilities! I will have to lust over these offices spaces for now....

While I would love for a different space like those on Pinterest. I am content for now working in this clean space. Can you work in a dis-organized space? What is your essential desk supply?

Peace and Blessings,


  1. I love having a clean desk, and yours is so cute!

  2. Not much beats a clean, organized desk. I've gotten into a really bad habit lately of trying to do work sitting on the couch because my desk is squished in a corner and I'm much less productive. Love your laptop monogram.

  3. I love having a clean desk! It definitely makes things more organized and keeps you on track, so you aren't distracted by the mess. And I really like the picture of the office space with the ladder - so much fun!

  4. While I like to start off with a clean workspace, I have to work with all of my papers, books, and supplies spread out in front of me. That's why I prefer tables over smaller desks!

  5. I love your desk space, its too cute! Everything always gets piled up on my desk and I hate having to pick it all up all the time!

  6. I have to have a clean desk as well. Every day before I leave work I make sure my desk is clean and organized or I freak out the next day when I come in.

  7. I don't know anybody who doesn't like a partially completed do-ist and a clean desk is the perfect place to plan it all out! I can't wait to see what desk setup you eventually figure out!


Thanks for the sweet note!