Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Book Club Friday/Literary Junkies volume 6

Pink Heels Pink Truck

Hey y'all,

So it has been a while since I wrote a Book Club Friday post and it is the sixth edition of Literary Junkies link-up so I thought I would just create a large post all about books. Up first a late Book Club Friday. I know it has been a while but I read this Young Adult series and had to share. The series is based on Biblical stories and are great uplifting teen novels for us Christian girls. These were really quick reads (I read one one Sunday afternoon/evening) and while they could all stand alone as novels the characters are all connected.

Up first:
The last thing Addy Davidson wants is to be on a reality TV show where the prize is a prom date with the President's son.
She's focused on her schoolwork so she can get a scholarship to an Ivy League college, uncomfortable in the spotlight, never been on a date, and didn't even audition for it.
But she got selected anyway.
So she does her best to get eliminated on the very first show. Right before she realizes that the President's son is possibly the most attractive guy she has ever seen in person, surprisingly nice, and seemingly unimpressed by the 99 other girls who are throwing themselves at him.
Addy's totally out of her comfort zone but that may be right where God can show her all that she was meant to be.
Based on the story of Esther which is one of my favorite books of the Bible, this story really discusses the fact that God's plans are greater than our own and He might surprise you by placing you in a situation to do His work rather than what you expect to do.

Kara McKormick is told she's auditioning to star in a new teen variety show. But it's what she isn't told that could change her life.
The feisty New Yorker moves to sunny Orlando to participate in a month-long audition, where she'll live with nine other contestants and an eccentric housemother. Kara knows that the show already has a big-time celebrity lined up for the co-host, but she doesn't know who it is.
Chad Beacon quickly rose to fame after winning America's Next Star, but he doesn't want his entire career to be about singing. There is so much more he wants to do-like act. The new variety show sounds like the perfect next step for him, but his parents want him to have a co-star who shares his faith since they'll be spending so much time together.
Acting is high on Kara's priority list. But a relationship with God? Not so much. In fact, she's tried to stay away from anything religious. But God is after Kara's heart and He's put people in her life who are showing her there's far more to Christianity than rules and judgment.
And just when it seems that Kara's going to have to give up her acting dream, God reveals that she may have a starring role after all-in a story so big only He could write it.
You meet Kara as Addy's roommate in First Date and this story is her journey to finding Christ which is very powerful. The book also focuses on Chad Beacon and the discussion of dating a Christian as a foundation of beliefs and the influence others have on you. I thought this was great considering my church is currently doing a series on relationships.

How do you find your place in the world? 
Tired of watching her father flit from one wife to another and having formed a true bond with her most recent stepmother, Natalia decides to move with her from Spain to Florida when the divorce papers are finalized.
There are a couple things Natalia knows for sure: 1) She's being groomed to take over her father's international business. Success is expected. 2) There is no such thing as true love. Just look at her father. 3) Her stepmother's faith is real. And Natalia wants more of it.
Being in a new place, though, has a way of challenging one's preconceived notions. Natalia is still searching but before it's over, she hopes to discover right where she belongs.
The last book in the series has connections to the story of Ruth and knowing that God knows the plan for your life and to truly trust in Him as he shapes you bringing you to the perfect place to learn and grow and find out His plan for your life not the plan of others like your parents or societal expectations. 

If you know of any Christian teen girls that love to read I would highly recommend the series.

Now on to some literary junkies questions:

What are you currently reading? Tell us about it!
I am in a weird place where I am not really loving the books I grabbed from the library last so I am heading to the library this afternoon for hopefully some better luck at this library tonight. I am though reading not a fan. The book talks about not being a fan of Christ but rather a follower. It is described as a Define the Relationship talk to have you consider the demands and rewards of being a true disciple of Christ.

Now onto my reading habits:

Amazon or brick and mortar? Both. I tend to find books from browsing online places like Goodreads or Amazon but I tend to buy from a brick and mortar place or go to the library.

Locally owned bookshop or big name chain store?
This is hard I love to support the local stores but I haven't found one I really like so I tend to frequent the big name stores. I mainly though go to the library and the friends of the library discard sales. 

Bookmark or dog-ear?
BOOKMARK!!!! I was raised by a librarian and dog-eared pages to me think I am hurting the book. I also hate to make a crease on paper-backed books. I am all for the least damage to the physical pages.

Alphabetize by author or alphabetize by title or random?
hahaha, so I alphabetize my DVD collection but in no way is my book shelf alphabetized. Well, I take that back since my classics shelf is alphabetized by author since those are all books I gained while getting my B.A. in English but my personal shelf is organized by genre or type (paperback vs hardcover) and then by series in order, so completely random but I understand it.

Keep, throw away, or sell?
I only tend to buy books I know I will love or those that look interesting at discard sales. I never throw away a book unless it is damaged beyond repair the rest I tend to donate or sell.

Keep dust jacket or toss it?

Read with dust jacket or remove it?
I tend to read with it unless it moves a lot and then it is removed until finished.

Short story or novel?
Novel. Who only wants 100 pages when you can have 300+

Collection (short stories by same author) or anthology (short stories by different authors)?
Collection. If an author wants to enlighten you on a few minor charachter's stories I am all for it. I hate having to find multiple anthologies for the same series just for that one story in each.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
Chapter breaks usually.

“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?

Buy or borrow?
Borrow. I only buy books if they are from a series I am in love with.

New or used?
new. I have some used books but I mainly buy new.

Buying choice: book reviews, recommendation or browse?
All of the above. I tend to browse but I love to look out for recommendations and book reviews. I think that is one reason I love Goodreads.

Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
If it is the end of a series or a stand alone novel: tidy ending if not I am all for a cliffhanger, just don't make me wait two years for the next book.

Morning, afternoon or nighttime reading?
ALL! I seriously have a book or my nook in my purse at all times. I read during my lunch break, Saturdays as soon as I wake up and I could read for hours snuggled up in bed at night.

Single volume or series?
SERIES! I love a good series and I think that is why I love romance novels since they never really end. I have a few series I read that I am on the 20th book and more are in the works. I love it!

Favorite series?
This is really hard so I will just write one I adore:

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
Anything by MaryJanice Davidson. I love her Undead series as well as all the others.
Link up here with Taylor and Lesley!


  1. Ohh..The Secret of the Pink Carnation looks like a good one! :) Thanks for linking up!!

  2. Here from the Literary Junkies link up! I keep trying to get myself using Goodreads but don't keep up. Maybe I should try again!

  3. I haveee to read some of these! I've been looking for an awesome book. :)


Thanks for the sweet note!