Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Social and Sayings

Hey y'all,

No word yet on the job opportunity so I have been working up a storm here at home as well as working on making my room inhabitable now that I am back to sharing it with the baby sis.
But Ashley and Neely have created a great new link-up so I thought I would join in on the fun as well as include some Sunday Sayings at the end of this post.
Let's get to it:

1. How did you come up with your blog name?
My original blog name, Jane Austen Meets Southern Prepster came from my Tumblr and so when I finally began to blog last year I went under that name. I am a huge fan of Jane Austen's works so it felt like the right name. However, that blog quickly became an online scrapbook of images of my senior year and I wanted to create a new blog as I began my "freshman year of the real world," so here is me a newly graduated college senior trying to maintain a classic, prep lifestyle post grad.
2. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love the people you meet through blogging. I love especially those I met on Tumblr over the past (almost) two years, that one even became my sorority sister after meeting in real life! I love communicating with everyone on Twitter and seeing how everyone's life grows it's an exciting community and I love being a part of it.
3. What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now can't live without?
Hmmm, this is really hard. I would have to say Pinterest is now a daily occupation and I first heard about it on a blog. "Call Me Maybe" was so popular on Tumblr before I heard it in North Carolina on the radio and I am obsessed with that song but as far as a product goes I love Vestique. The store in Raleigh is so cute and I have to thank them for the dress and top I got from there at the beginning of the year as birthday presents to myself. I have worn the top going out many a time and love the large print. The dress I wore for my Birthday, out to Wicked, Senior SendOff, and Senior pictures. Talk about versatile.
Out and About. My last night out in Chapel Hill with some sisters.
Senior Send Off with my Littles.
(As always please do not use my photos without my personal agreement especially those with other individuals.)
4. Facebook or Twitter? and why?
TWITTER! I do use Facebook and keep updated with a majority of my friends that way but I love the less creeper notion of Twitter. A smaller group of my friends use it so it is a bit more exclusive but it is a great way to stay updated with people. Twitter has it's faults though since I know many a drama story especially with those who have annonymous Twitter accounts (but who I know in real life who the individual is and creates some extra drama).
5. If one celeb read your blog, who would you want it to be?
I would love any celebrity to read this little old blog but I would have to go with any of my favorite actresses: Amanda Bynes, Carrie Underwood, Reese Witherspoon, or Sandra Bullock would make me so excited and proud that they read about my daily musings. 
6. What is something you want people to know about your blog?
Hmmm. I am a real person and this is my creative outlet. I love that people comment on here, I read each and everyone as well as love all of my Followers, y'all are great and I am excited for anyone to read my daily thoughts. I do get overwhelmed and busy so I do take days off, I'm human so I hope you can forgive me. If you have any questions feel free to comment, email or my Tumblr has an ask box. THANK YOU ALL!

Sunday Sayings....
Peace & Blessings,

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is adorable! I can't wait to follow along :)



Thanks for the sweet note!